With the struggle to come to terms with homosexuality and coming out of the closet in 2000, Mikey's personal politics and diversity philosophy changed. His political views are about fairness, equality and openness to ideas—views in time change with maturity and what is essential in life.
Mikey's fifty years of age means that the issues he faces today are met with different reactions than those he faced at thirty or forty. It was hard to think of 'not my circus, not my monkey' concepts.
Behind the scenes, Mikey is fascinated by politics and closely observes political views but doesn't take a person's word for face value. There is usually more to it.

In the early 2000s, Mikey, a trucker who listened to satellite radio, called into a radio show called Hannity and Combs. Hannity was right-leaning, and Combs was left-leaning. He truly didn't understand the difference. Both had good ideas, and the phone call ended abruptly when he asked a simple question: "Why can't you both come up with a compromise, as you both have good ideas?" Little did he expect Hannity to host and call Mikey a lefty, which he didn't understand then. He's not even American but questioned how politics cannot find balance in what the different parties offer. In Canada, the five-party system needs to find balance, as nothing will ever get done. He did not realize that the USA has only strong parties and everyone else has no say.

In his adult years, Mikey believed he was conservative because his parents' values leaned conservative, not truly understanding the other parties or opinions. In a few short years, based on the politicians at the time marginalizing community sectors.
Mikey doesn't believe that one party is the solution to everything and that compromise is necessary to find what works.
Realization of Political Power
Mikey was looking to get a government job in his twenties. He would have served as a sector minister in the Canadian Government. One of the most significant moments that changed his life was the advice he received before applying for the position.
The Minister of ...., Prime Minister, or government face of a party isn't the person making the decisions. They are part of the discussions, but the public-facing individual can't be into all decisions' inner workings. The words from an elected people are to be said to the media. The information gathered must be as accurate as possible not to embarrass the public official.
While there is strong opposition to certain politicians, it's the inner workings of the government itself on people who are making the calculations and moving the needle. Having a hate-on for the public official may not be warranted as they are likely not involved but just the face of the bigger picture.
Locally Here
Within the first six months, Mikey was advised that the Premier of Nova Scotia would be stopping by the house. Being new to Nova Scotia, we were unaware of who he was. He was flanked by handlers in charge of social media and article writing, who directed his attention by moving him along. It felt very staged and awkward.
When speaking to him, it is evident that he wasn't interested in anything said. Usually, he would grab a selfie with a person, but in this case, he kept his phone in his pocket when he realized he was being used for a political story. The Premier kept glancing at his phone, and he thought he missed the cue from the Premier to tell his handlers he was done.
In retrospect, he would have been a person he would have voted for party-wise. After meeting him, he changed my mind based on the leader.

The values of an individual, even those of a party that Mikey would have voted for, matter. In a documentary, President Obama from the USA said that the most important politics are the ones within your community. This was true in this particular case.
While Prime Minister Trudeau represents Canada, the people here locally make the decisions that significantly affect the population, such as taxes and more. Regardless of who you support, it's essential to get out and vote.
Advocate for Fairness
Liberal, conservative, or independent, each brings something to the table that is worthy of discussion. Unfortunately, in 2024, politicians are heavily focused on separating people from each other. No matter what your political leanings, all of us eventually die. How we get there and the emotional and psychological damages we will suffer is the question.
There is a loosely used term called "Everybody." We hear it a lot when "Everybody" is thinking. Are they really, or is the person just using that statement to sway people?
As mentioned in Mikey's Biography, he has faced numerous death threats since creating The Crochet Crowd. Most of it is focused on religion with the epicentre of the reasoning for it. However, politicians have the power to up-end a life to either cause self-harm or have others do it to others in emotional and physical abuse. It's why he struggles with religion as a whole.
Not everyone will like each other, and there are limits to what people will put up with.
Mikey does support 2SLBGT+IA communities as they face an uphill battle to find equality, but it's so much more. These groups also have to find who they are, how they belong in society, and how they can best incorporate themselves into a community environment. For Canadian Youth, you can access It Gets Better Canada for resources and help.
Mikey also supports equality for cultures and different value systems that may not be part of his own. Education is key. You will always find differences to reconcile and will always be learning throughout your life.
He also believes that health care should be given freely to all, understanding that health care is not treated the same in all countries.
Right to Choose
In 1969, before Mikey was born, Canada adopted legalized abortion, and it has been a hot topic from time to time throughout Mikey's life. Ultimately, he believes that a woman should have the right to choose as their health care is their business, not his.
He also believes in end-of-life support in Canada, aka medical assistance for dying. You can find more information about that.
Regardless of skin tone, culture or country. Everyone deserves a chance. Once Mikey came out of the closet, he was pushed to a minority standing within Canada. He was already open to different cultures, but being pushed and marginalized by others for being gay left no room for him to judge others based on their culture or language. While he realizes he will never know what it is like to be in other cultures, we are all floating in space on a blue ball, trying to figure this out.
Once Mikey realizes that a person in his sphere is showing racism or inequality due to cultural differences, he will disengage and not be part of their lives.
In 2024, we are driven by sound bites and small quotes that focus on the bigger picture. It's easy to get caught up in a movement or mode of thinking based on hearing factual or hearsay information.
In one of his movies, Tom Hanks tells a Catholic follower that he doesn't know his own history. This suggests that a lot of what we go through today is driven by the past. Many critical moments in the past dictate our cultural behaviour today. Some people were shaped for the better, and others were destroyed for power.
To understand today, you have to look to the past and dig in. It's never simple.
There are times to stand up and say "no." There are other times when you are told to stand up and say "no" when it's not in your interest. At the end of your life, be confident with your decisions. Stand up for what you believe, but also consider how your actions could affect another person and if what you are standing up for really affects you. As I said at the very beginning. Know when it's your circus and your monkeys. And know the differences when it's another circus or monkeys. Not everything is what it seems. you